What to do when you see or hear about something that causes you to suspect or become concerned that sexual exploitation or abuse may be happening to someone or by someone who is in any way connected to iTeams (advocate, program participant, donor, community member, etc):
1. Remain calm. For confidentiality, and to ensure an effective investigation, do not share your concerns with anyone, or attempt to investigate yourself.
2. Submit a report. Send an e-mail to
reporting@iteams.ca describing your concern in as much detail as you are able. Be sure to include the associated program and location of the concern in question. We will keep your identity confidential, and our Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Focal Point staff member will follow-up with you should we have further questions or updates on the status/content of your report. If you would prefer to be contacted using something other than e-mail, include a form of alternative contact in your message.
3. Congratulate yourself for doing the right thing. By sending in a report, especially when you do not have all the facts, or are uncertain as to whether or not what you heard about or witnessed is considered SEA, you are making the world a safer place. We investigate every report we receive, big or small, and have policies to protect you and others who submit reports.