Invest in Transformation

Donating stocks, securities, or mutual funds can be a powerful way to make an impact on our work of ending poverty around the world. Not only that, it can be a smart way to give that is both efficient and effective!

Donations of securities to a registered charity like us are not subject to capital gains taxes, and you can receive a tax credit for giving this way. This means that your gift extends further in helping those most in need.

Interested in Giving Gifts of Stocks and Securities?

Here’s How:
Contact our donor care team by email at or by phone at 519-669-8844 (ext 1).
We will provide you with a form that you’ll fill out with your broker.
Once you’re finished, email it back to us and we’lll pass it along to our contact at TD Waterhouse.
Once the securities have been transferred to our investment account, TD Waterhouse will advise us in writing of the receipt of the securities and the value it was transferred in at.
We will issue and send you an official tax-deductible receipt for income tax purposes.
It is International Teams Canada’s policy that securities, once received, will be sold as soon as possible.

See the Difference.

By donating shares directly, you get a larger tax credit and give more to those you care about. This chart below was adapted from our friends at CanadaHelps. It helps illustrate what happens if you sell the shares and then donate the after-tax proceeds versus what happens if you donate the shares directly.
Sell securities for cash. Donate the after-tax proceeds
Donate securities directly to iTeams Canada
Original Cost of Securities
Current Market Value
Capital Gain
Tax on Capital Gains
Donation Amount After-Tax
Your impact is
$920 greater!
Your Charitable Tax Credit
Your charitable tax credit is
$424 more!
These are general figures for the purpose of illustration. They do not constitute legal or financial advice. We strongly encourage you to seek professional legal and/or financial advice before deciding upon your donation to charity.